(1) This Procedure ensures that Victoria University English (VUE) complies with regulatory requirements in the monitoring of attendance for international students studying an ELICOS program. (2) Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) (3) National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (Cth): Standard 3; 8 and 9. (4) This Procedure applies to all international students on a student visa enrolled in an ELICOS course at VUE. (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Nil (14) ELICOS students must, as a condition of their Student Visa, maintain a minimum rate of 80% attendance over their course of study. If attendance falls below 80% and it is clear that the student will not be able to reach 80% by the end of the course, VUE is required to report the student to the Department of Home Affairs. (15) Students are informed of VUE attendance process and requirements via the following: (16) Attendance is recorded twice daily by teachers in attendance registers with absences recorded in hourly blocks in EBECAS each Friday. The Director of Studies or nominee confirms the class lists by signing the register on the first Friday of each intake. (17) Students will be marked absent if unwell, and must obtain a medical certificate to cover the period of illness, however this will not cancel the non-attendance. Students should retain medical documentation in case their attendance falls below 80% and an appeal is pursued externally via the Department of Home Affairs or via the Victorian Ombudsman. (18) A student is marked absent for one hour if they arrive more than ten minutes late to a morning class, or if they arrive more than five minutes late to an afternoon class. (19) The Program Coordinator or nominee monitors attendance registers on a weekly basis and will contact any student absent for 3 consecutive days via phone and email. If the student does not respond, the following action must be taken: (20) If the student does not respond to initial contact, the General Manager, VU English must be notified, and will proceed as per the Critical Incident, Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Policy. (21) Students are notified that all correspondence will be sent to their VU email account. (22) The General Manager, VU English will send a Notice of Intention to Report for Unsatisfactory Attendance via email and a hardcopy notice delivered in class where a student will not meet the overall 80% attendance requirement for the duration of the CoE. (23) Students with 5- or 10-week CoEs will be sent a Notice of Intention to Report for Unsatisfactory Attendance with no prior warning letters if their overall attendance drops below 80% (i.e. 5-6 consecutive days). (24) Students may appeal the decision to report them to the Department of Home Affairs for low attendance. The Notice of Intention to Report for Unsatisfactory Attendance refers students to the Internal Appeal process, as well as the time and location of the Internal Appeal Panel hearing. (25) Students are allowed 20 working days to access the Internal Appeals Process if they can’t attend the panel. The appeals process commences within 10 working days of the lodgment of the appeal. (26) During the Internal Appeal Panel hearing the student must outline the reasons for the unsatisfactory attendance together with any evidence of compassionate or compelling circumstances where relevant. The Internal Appeal Panel will notify the student of the final outcome of the Panel hearing within 5 days via email. (27) Students whose appeal is upheld will receive support, counseling and monitoring as necessary. Students will be required to comply with any conditions attached to the decision. (28) If the student’s overall attendance continues to fall but is between 70-80% they will be issued a Notice of Intention to Report Letter and the process will recommence. (29) If the student’s attendance falls below 70%, they will be reported to the Department of Home Affairs via PRISMS without further notification. (30) Students receive counseling and support in the event of an unsuccessful internal appeal. (31) Students are informed that they have 10 working days from the date of their outcome notification to make an external appeal to the Ombudsman Victoria. (32) Students must notify VUE of their Lodgment Referral Number in order not to be reported to the Department of Home Affairs. (33) Students must continue to attend class as scheduled until the completion of all internal and external appeals processes. If a student’s program finishes during this time, VUE reserves the right not to make a further offer of ELICOS. (34) A “Student Default” and Student Course Variation must be reported on PRISMS when the student has: (35) Students should notify VUE of the outcome of their external appeal, to be recorded on EBECAS. (36) If student receives an overall fail result for their English course, the student’s CoE for English and for the principal course will be canceled. (37) If student receives an overall pass result for their English course, the student’s CoE for English will be canceled, however the CoE for the main course will not be canceled.Enrolments - ELICOS Monitoring Attendance Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy/Regulation
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
VUE Teacher
Registers ELICOS student attendance
VUE Administration Officers
Program Coordinator VUE (PC)
Academic Manager ELICOS
Manages attendance process and advises and assists students
General Manager, VU English
VUE Internal Appeal Panel
Panel chaired by General Manager, VU English to deal with internal attendance appeals (Intention to Report for Low Attendance)
International Student Advisor (ISA)
A professional staff member who provides advice and referral to support student attendance
Support Person
Provides support to students, but does not actively participate in the process
Part B - Monitoring ELICOS Student Attendance
Attendance Notifications
Friendly Reminder Letter
Issued when current attendance is <80% and overall attendance is >90%
First Attendance Reminder
Issued when overall attendance falls between 86-90%
Second and Final Attendance Reminder
Issued when overall attendance falls between 80-85%
Internal Appeals
Successful Internal Appeal
Unsuccessful Internal Appeal
Unsuccessful External Appeal
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Issues attendance reminders to students
Sends attendance reports relating to scholarship students to scholarship bodies (e.g. Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission, Kuwait Cultural Office)
Reports unsatisfactory ELICOS attendance
Updates PRISMS
Reviews weekly attendance records
Contacts students who have been absent for three consecutive days
Approves the reporting of non attendance to PRISMS
Oversees VUE Attendance process