(1) This procedure describes the process by which students who have successfully completed the requirements for an Award of Victoria University have their Award conferred by the issuance of a Testamur. (2) This procedure applies to all Higher Education and Vocational Education students who have completed an Award course and are entitled to receive the following at the time of conferral: (3) AHEGS (Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement) (4) Nil (5) The Victoria University Student Management System, VU Connect, identifies those students who may have potentially fulfilled the course requirements based on the course completion rules. Each College representative assesses eligibility by checking the student's academic report on the on-line completions webform and formally approves or rejects eligibility. Once the approved status has been set, the Completions Officer runs a final system report and if all data is valid, the student is conferred an award of the University. All awards are conferred on the 22nd of each calendar month (excepting December which is the 15th.) All eligible students receive email notification of their successful completion and conferral of the award. Higher Education students are advised that they may receive their Testamur at the closest graduation ceremony round or inabsentia. (6) AQF certification documentation related to vocational education qualifications will be issued within 30 calendar days of all requirements being met. (7) No student is eligible to be issued a Notification of Completion, Transcript, AHEGS or Testamur if they have any results or fees outstanding, or does not have a valid USI (vocational education students only unless exemption applies). (8) If a higher education graduand does not return the graduation attendance form the Testamur will be held by the University until the graduate arranges to collect it. (9) The title of the Award which appears on the Testamur is as recorded on the schedule. (10) The name printed on the Testamur is the student's legal name as recorded on the student management system at the time of printing the Testamur. (11) Testamurs are printed on parchment paper, 375mm by 265mm, as approved by the University Council. (12) Testamurs must include the following elements: (13) In addition to the above Testamurs produced for Affiliate and Dual Awards must also include the following information: (14) On completion of the requirements for a: (15) Students who are enrolled in a nested Self Accredited Award, and who are continuing their studies towards a higher qualification, will be eligible to receive evidence of completion of the first Award, by way of a Notification of Completion. (16) Students who are not continuing their studies towards a higher Award must withdraw and by exiting their studies will be eligible to receive a Testamur for the completed qualification. (17) All University Awards are conferred by Council and are certified by the issuance of a Testamur. (18) Testamurs are issued to Graduands at a designated University ceremony or in absentia. (19) VU maintains a Graduation Register of all Testamurs issued to graduates. The records are retained for a minimum period of 30 years. This register contains sufficient information to identify correctly the: (20) Prior to the conferral of the Award graduands, can apply to the Assessment and Completions Unit for an official Notification of Completion if they require it for employment, Visa or further study purposes. (21) A Testamur will be replaced for a fee. The relevant form must be completed which can be downloaded from the student portal. An authorised statutory declaration must be submitted at the time of application. (22) An Award must be formally revoked under the authority of University Council following an investigation that the Award has been incorrectly conferred on a recipient: (23) A memo outlining the reason for the revocation is prepared for the Vice-Chancellor's consideration by the Assessments and Completions Unit. The Vice-Chancellor, after conducting an investigation, will recommend revocation if appropriate to University Council. The process for conducting the investigation and providing the graduate with an opportunity to respond is detailed in Part 5 of the Awards Regulations 2014 . (24) If revocation occurs, the graduate is advised to return all official artefacts associated with the issuing of the Award. The details of the revocation will be noted on the Graduation Register and the student record. (25) In situations where a student has completed an Award which articulates directly into a higher AQF level Award there is no requirement for the student to surrender the Testamur at the time of enrolment, or when the higher Award is conferred. (26) The use of the University Seal deems that the award has been conferred by Council. The seal will appear in raised relief on both the front and back of the parchment. A unique identifier is also printed on the Testamur. This number is recorded on the register of all awards conferred in accordance with the AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy. The date of collection of all Testamurs also forms part of the register. The official Statement of Attainment is also printed on our secured foiled paper. All results and wording related to the record is generated from the Victoria University Student Management System, VU Connect. The official paper has the following wording preprinted at the bottom of each page: (27) NilAwards Regulations - Awards and Testamurs Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives
Section 2 - Scope / Application
Top of PageSection 3 - Definitions
Section 4 - Policy Statement
Section 5 - Procedures
Part A - Roles/Responsibilities
Government Reporting and Student Systems Support
Assessments and Completions UnitRuns weekly reports from the Student Management System VU Connect of potentially completed students.
a. Colleges can only access their own courses for approval. In the case of double degrees each College must assess the relevant award. The Graduate Research Centre assesses all research degree students. Assessment and approval is completed using the online web form application.
b. Arranges for issuing of vocational education qualifications within 30 days of the completion of the requirements of the course.
c. Produces all official evidence of qualification to AQF Standards, including the graduates: Transcript (Record of Results): AHEGS (HE only) and Testamur.
d. Maintains the University's Graduation Register via the University Student Management System VU Connect.
College/s or VUIT
Approves or rejects the student's eligibility to graduate from the award program using the online web completions form.
Part B - Identifying Students for Completion
Part C - Producing a Testamur
Part D - Conferring an Award and Issuing a Testamur
Part E - Replacing a Testamur
Part F - Revoking and Surrendering a Testamur
Part G - Authenticity
Top of Page
Section 6 - Guidelines
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