VET Industry Engagement ProcedureThis Procedure commits to providing training that is responsive and relevant to the industry, is conducted by teachers who have current industry knowledge and skills and helps to prepare students for the world of work.
VET Marketing ProcedureThis Procedure outlines the processes and responsibilities in relation to the marketing and promotion of nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses at the Polytechnic.
Vice-Chancellor Regulations 2021These Regulations outline the functions of the Vice-Chancellor (the management of the University) in line with the VU Act 2010 and GASA 2013.
VU Research Repository Open Access PolicyThis Policy and Procedure have minor updates to Accountable Officer; definitions; updates to organisational titles and addition of references to proposed NHMRC requirements.
VU Research Repository Open Access ProcedureThis Policy and Procedure have minor updates to Accountable Officer; definitions; updates to organisational titles and addition of references to proposed NHMRC requirements.