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- Health and Safety - Accountability and Responsibilities ProcedureThis Procedure ensures all Victoria University staff understand and comply with their health, safety and wellbeing accountabilities and responsibilities as outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004) VIC and reinforced by the University’s Health and Safety Policy.
- Health and Safety - Animals on Campus ProcedureThe Procedure has been updated to include definitions, title change and updating of links.
- Health and Safety - Asbestos Management ProcedureThis Procedure has updates to roles and responsibilities and reflects current organisational structure.
- Health and Safety - Chemical Management ProcedureThe Procedure have been updated following a review, and clarifes roles and responsibilities, as well as a re-ordering of content.
- Health and Safety - Confined Spaces ProcedureThe Procedure has minor updates to definitions, roles and responsibilities, and formatting.
- Health and Safety - Contractor Safety Management ProcedureThis procedure details the process involved to integrate health and safety requirements within contractor management at Victoria University (VU), and will replace the following procedures: - Health and Safety - Contractor Classification Procedure - Health and Safety - Contractor Management Procedure - Facilities Department (Capital Planning) - Health and Safety - Contractor Management Procedure - General Contractors - Health and Safety - Contractor Management Procedure - Outsourcing Major Services.
- Health and Safety - Document Control ProcedureThe purpose of this Procedure is to outline the process for creating and maintaining Health, Safety and Wellbeing documentation for the Victoria University Health, Safety & Wellbeing Management System.
- Health and Safety - Electrical Safety ProcedureThe Procedure has minor updates to definitions, roles and responsibilities, and formatting.
- Health and Safety - Hazard Management ProcedureThe Procedure has minor updates to reflect organisational roles and responsibilities.
- Health and Safety - HSW Monitoring and Performance Evaluation ProcedureThis Procedure sets out the requirements for monitoring and evaluating the performance of workplace health and safety processes, and the health and safety of workers at Victoria University in order to provide oversight of workplace conditions and identify improvements for the Workplace Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS).
- Health and Safety - Ionising Radiation Management ProcedureThe Ionising Radiation Management Procedure has been updated following a full review. It was updated with the current VU procedure template and to ensure that it still complies with current Radiation Safety legislation.
- Health and Safety - Issue Resolution Proceduretba
- Health and Safety - Lock-Out and Tag-Out ProcedureThe Procedure has been updated to the latest template, with the addition of a definition at Clause 13.
- Health and Safety - Manual Handling ProcedureThis Procedure:
a. ensures that Victoria University has a system established to eliminate or reduce risk of injury, as far as reasonably possible, to all employees, students, contractors and volunteers from hazardous manual handling;
b. describes what manual handling is and how it may be hazardous to people; and
c. prescribes a system of identification of hazards involved in manual handling tasks and instruction on controlling hazardous manual handling for all tasks related to work at the University or in relation to any activity under the university's control. - Health and Safety - OHS Alcohol and Other Drugs Procedure (Staff)The procedure provides information and outlines responsibility for the safe and approved use of alcohol and other drugs at VU Campuses.
- Health and Safety - OHS Consultation and Participation ProcedureThe Procedure has been updated following a review, and changes include updating of templates, and further details on how Management Representatives and Health & Safety Representatives are involved in the Consultation and Participation process.
- Health and Safety - OHS Incident Reporting and Investigation ProcedureThe Procedure has been updated to the current template, included some extra definitions and added information on Granting Additional Access to View Reports.
- Health and Safety - Permit to Work ProcedureThe Procedure has been updated to the latest template; roles and responsibilities, and updates to form linkages and definitions.
- Health and Safety - Plant Management ProcedureThe Procedure has minor updates to template and links to forms/form names.
- Health and Safety - Staff Immunisation ProcedureThis Procedure:
- ensures that Victoria University (VU) meets the immunisation requirements enacted by legislation, and its duty of care under the VU Health & Safety and Biosafety Policies; and,
- outlines the process for identifying immunisation requirements, accessing vaccinations and the responsibilities associated with immunisations.
- Health and Safety - Working Alone or In Isolation ProcedureThis Procedure has been transferred into the new Procedure template format, with minor amendments made.
- Health and Safety - Workplace First Aid ProcedureThis Procedure ensures Victoria University (VU) provides adequate first aid services for the welfare of its employees, students and visitors on all campuses and in relation to all activities under the control and management of the University.
- Health and Safety PolicyThis Policy has been updated following a review and defines Victoria University's commitment to providing a safe and healthy working and learning environment.
- Higher Degree by Research Scholarships PolicyThe Policy and Procedure cover all Higher Degree by Research scholarships, and will consolidate and replace the current policies and procedures:
• Research Training Program Scholarships Policy/Procedure
• Higher Degree by Research Procedure 6: Scholarships
- Higher Degree by Research Scholarships ProcedureThe Policy and Procedure cover all Higher Degree by Research scholarships, and will consolidate and replace the current policies and procedures:
• Research Training Program Scholarships Policy/Procedure
• Higher Degree by Research Procedure 6: Scholarships
- Higher Degree by Research Supervision - Supervisor Registration and Professional Development ProcedureThe HDR Supervisor Registration and Professional Development Procedure clarifies change of supervisor arrangements, processes for appointing and registering external supervisors, mandatory training requirements, and documents the formal supervisor registration review process.
- Higher Degree by Research Supervision PolicyThe HDR Supervision Policy has minor grammatical updates.
- Higher Degrees by Research Policytba
- Higher Degrees by Research Procedure 1 AdmissionsThe procedure has been updated to provide clarity on academic admission and assessment criteria as well as collaboration with external research bodies.
- Higher Degrees by Research Procedure 2 EnrolmentsThe Procedure has been updated following a review, and responds to the implementation of Student One and associated changes to enrolment processing; ensures consistency across relevant HDR procedures; reflects changes to organisational structure (scholarships now resides in the Graduate Research School); and provides clarity in relation to changes to fee liabilities post timely duration.
- Higher Degrees by Research Procedure 3 Pre-Candidature and CandidatureThe Procedure has been updated following a review, and responds to the implementation of Student One, with key amendments pertaining to Post Timely Duration and Fees. The Procedure provides clarity in relation to fee liabilities post timely duration (in particular, that post timely duration tuition fees will be set in accordance to the approved yearly unit of study fee schedule).
- Higher Degrees by Research Procedure 4 ProgressThis Procedure has been updated to reflect recent updates to the Candidature Milestone Guidelines, which monitors candidate progress.
- Higher Degrees by Research Procedure 5 Researcher Development and SupportThe HDR 5 Procedure has been updated to clarify HDR Researcher Integrity Modules completion requirements, as well as minor grammatical updates.
- Higher Degrees by Research Procedure 7 SupervisionThe HDR 7 Procedure has revisions to clarify roles and responsibilities, student complaints processes, and updates to links.
- Higher Degrees by Research Procedure 8 Thesis RequirementsThe Procedure has updates to hyperlinks, clarity regarding word lengths for doctoral disciplines, the addition of a clause specifying thesis written in English, and merging of repetitive information.
- Higher Degrees by Research Procedure 9 Submission, Examination and Classificationtba
- Higher Education Academic Promotions PolicyThe Policy and Procedure have been reviewed in response to recommendations by the 2021 Academic Promotions Panel. Amendments include:
•Improvement to the assessment process with the introduction of interviews for D and E applicants.
•Provision for the Panel to make recommendations for and/or assess applicants against categories other than to which they applied.
•Provision for the Panel to instigate the re-application of unsuccessful candidates (in exceptional circumstances only): where Panel members determines applicant can re-apply within 12 months.
•Provision for a pre-nomination process where Deans can encourage Academics who would be strong candidates for promotion.
•Removal of MORA required evidence from the application process.
•Addition of mandatory Unconscious Bias training for Panel members.
- Higher Education Academic Promotions ProcedureThe Procedure has been updated to include the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research & Impact in the Academic Promotions Panel for levels D-E.
- Hire of University Facilities PolicyThe Policy and Procedure has minor updates to grammar, organisational structure and title changes, replacing of the term 'spaces' to 'facilities' throughout and clarification of public liability insurance requirements.
- Hire of University Facilities ProcedureThe Policy and Procedure has minor updates to grammar, organisational structure and title changes, replacing of the term 'spaces' to 'facilities' throughout and clarification of public liability insurance requirements
- Honorary, Adjunct and Visiting Appointments PolicyThe Policy and Procedure have been reviewed and updated to provide more clarity and reflect current processes. It provides for a new category of Adjunct/Industry Appointment – whereby the titles of Industry Professor, Industry Associate Professor or Industry Fellow may be used.
- Honorary, Adjunct and Visiting Appointments ProcedureThe Policy and Procedure have been reviewed and updated to provide more clarity and reflect current processes. It provides for a new category of Adjunct/Industry Appointment – whereby the titles of Industry Professor, Industry Associate Professor or Industry Fellow may be used.