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- Biosafety - Certification of Containment Laboratories ProcedureUpdates to this version: Reference to â€~internal certification’ has been removed from the title, throughout the document and in supporting documents (as required) to enable this procedure to encompass requirements for internal and external certification of facilities. The roles of the IBC and Senior Manager, Research Infrastructure & Biosafety, in new build and facility refurbishment infrastructure projects have been further detailed and clarified. The requirement for internal certification of PC1 facilities has been removed, and definitions and responsibilities clarified.
- Biosafety - Dealings Involving Genetically Modified Organisms ProcedureThe Procedure has been updated to the new template, links have been updated, outdated content corrected and roles and responsibilities have been clarified.
- Biosafety - Dealings Involving Risk Group Agents ProcedureThe Procedure has been updated to the new template, links have been updated, outdated content corrected and roles and responsibilities have been clarified.
- Biosafety - Importing and Exporting Biological Material ProcedureThe Biosafety - Import, Export and Packaging of Biological Material Procedure has been divided into two new Procedures:
• Biosafety – Packaging and Transport of Biological Materials Procedure
• Biosafety – Importing and Exporting Biological Material Procedure
The Procedure also has formatting, information and links updated for import and a new section included for export. - Biosafety - Labelling, Storage and Transport of Genetically Modified Material ProcedureThis Procedure outlines the labelling, storage and transport of genetically modified (GM) material.
- Biosafety - Non-Compliance and Adverse Incidents ProcedureThe Procedure has been updated to the new template, links have been updated, outdated content corrected and roles and responsibilities have been clarified.
- Biosafety - Packaging and Transport of Biological Materials ProcedureThis Procedure explains the requirements for packaging and transporting biological material considered to be a biological hazard. Transport of material can be internal within the University, or external, to other organisations or locations.
- Biosafety PolicyMinor updates have been made to the Biosafety Policy to comply with current regulations. New definitions have been added, as well as supporting documents.
- Brand PolicyThis Policy aims to protect the Victoria University’s (VU) Brand and reputation, and to minimize risk from misuse of the Brand. By establishing this policy, VU ensures the University’s Brand is promoted in a positive, correct and consistent manner.
- Brand ProcedureThis Procedure details the approval process for Staff and Third Parties in relation to use of the VU Brand.
- Built Environment Asset Management PolicyThis Policy sets out Victoria University’s (VU) commitments and expectations relating to the asset management of its Built Environment facilities.
- Bullying Prevention and Management PolicyThe Policy changes clarify various definitions and better align and connect aspects of these policies with the rest of the VU policy suite.