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- Aboriginal Education and Cultural Equity PolicyThis Policy update includes minor nomenclature changes, and has been renamed the Aboriginal Education and Cultural Equity Policy.
- Academic Board Regulations 2021The Academic Board Regulations 2021 have been updated to give effect to changes to the Academic Board membership.
- Academic Integrity GuidelinesThis Guideline aims to assist academic and teaching staff to prevent, detect and respond to breaches of academic integrity.
- Academic Integrity PolicyThe Policy updates reflect the need for explicit attention to be paid to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Academic Integrity Policy and Guidelines. The Policy now makes reference to artificial intelligence tools and models, and the associated Guidelines have the addition of an Appendix providing advice to staff and students in the usage of artificial intelligence tools.
- Academic Progress - Academic Progress Procedure (HE)The Procedure has been updated in line with the implementation of the new student system in 2022, reflecting changes to process and automated functionality. Several changes have also been made in response to feedback from academic and professional staff, to clarify and streamline processes. This includes moving the coordination of Show Cause Panels from Colleges to Student Administration.
- Academic Progress - ELICOS ProcedureThis Procedure has been updated as follows:
• Add in the position of Director, Centre of VU Transitions within the Summary of Roles & Responsibilities table
• Update position titles/panel membership of Student Progress Committee and Show Cause Review Panels
• The addition of Part D Government Reporting.
- Academic Progress - Foundations Studies ProcedureThis Procedure has been updated to reflect changes in position titles and organisational units.
- Academic Progress - VET Overseas Student Progress Review ProcedureThe changes include:
-Titles of accountable and responsible officers
-Removal of under 18 overseas students for VET programs
-Updating titles of positions
- Academic Progress - VET Student Progress Review Procedure (Domestic Students)This Procedure has had minor updates to reflect updated position titles, reporting and accountability, template names, and detail regarding VET VCE programs.
- Academic Progress Regulations 2016The Regulations have been updated to reflect current organisational structure.
- Admissions - Course Admissions and Pre-Training Review Procedure (VET)The Procedure has minor updates to clarify learning support referral rather than enrolment into learning support units.
- Admissions - English Language Admission Requirements Proceduretba
- Admissions PolicyThe Policy and Procedure have been reviewed to ensure compliance with the HESF, the ESOS Act 2000 and the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.
- Admissions Proceduretba
- Animal Welfare Complaints ProcedureThe Policy Suite has been reviewed, with minor updates to the template, and references to reflect current organisational structure and processes. Minor updates have been made to include reference to procedural fairness associated with the complaints procedure.
- Animal Welfare Non-Compliant Events ProcedureThe Policy Suite has been reviewed, with minor updates to the template, and references to reflect current organisational structure and processes. Minor updates have been made to include reference to procedural fairness associated with the complaints procedure.
- Animal Welfare PolicyThe Policy Suite has been reviewed, with minor updates to the template, and references to reflect current organisational structure and processes. Minor updates have been made to include reference to procedural fairness associated with the complaints procedure.
- Anti-racism PolicyThis Policy gives effect to Victoria University’s commitment to anti-racism in relation to all affected people, peoples of colour, and Australia’s First Nations Peoples. It focuses on explaining racism to provide a framework to enable the decol-onising of University systems that in some cases perpetuate all forms of racism, including colonisation.
- Appropriate Workplace Behaviour - Staff-Authored Texts Proceduretba
- Appropriate Workplace Behaviour PolicyThe Policy has been updated to include a new Conflict of Interest disclosure requirement and procedure (Part E) as well as minor changes to ensure alignment with other VU policies and procedures.
- Assessment for Learning - Adjustments to Assessment Procedure (HE)This update involves the removal of special covid-19 arrangements.
- Assessment for Learning - Assessment Procedure (VET)This Procedure outlines the requirements for the planning and conducting of assessment.
- Assessment for Learning - Assessment Validation Procedure (VET)This Procedure outlines the requirements and processes for the effective validation of assessment used within national training package qualifications and VET accredited courses.
- Assessment for Learning - Examination Administration ProcedureThis Procedure has had minor amendments to change 'Assessments and Completions Unit' to 'Student Administration' throughout the document.
- Assessment for Learning - Management of Results and Grade Sets Procedure (HE)This Procedure provides -
1. the accepted grade set in use at Victoria University (VU) for all Higher Education (HE) coursework units, including HE Non-Award units where performance is being assessed by the University;
2. the process to be used in entering and managing student results, and defines responsibilities within this process; and
3. the explains the use of Grade Point Average and Weighted Average marks at VU. - Assessment for Learning - Moderation and Validation Procedure (HE)Minor changes have been made to the Moderation and Validation Procedure, to provide further procedural settings for the validation of assessment rubrics and on-line tests, and to align with the Academic Progress Procedure in relation to the functions of Assessment and Progress Boards.
- Assessment for Learning - Resulting Procedure (VET)The Procedure has been updated to reflect changes to Unit Outcomes categories.
- Assessment for Learning - Review of Individual Assessment Outcomes Procedure (HE)This Procedure has been updated to ensure it directly refers to Form AC02 as the means by which a student requests a review of assessment, and the means by which a decision is recorded. The Procedure also has an update to a position title, and the removal of the term `graded’ from the Scope, to remove any ambiguity about the applicability to pass/fail assessments.
- Assessment for Learning - Standards for Assessment Procedure (HE)This Procedure has been updated as part of implementation of an eight week postgraduate block. The definition of Block has been updated, and
clarification to ensure that clear settings are available to students and those who provide advice to students in a timely way. - Assessment for Learning - Supplementary Assessment and Conceded Pass Procedure (HE)This Procedure governs the University's use of supplementary assessment and conceded passes.
- Assessment for Learning PolicyThis Policy ensures that student coursework assessment -
1. is aligned with the vision, mission, values and behaviours expressed in the University's Strategic Plan, the requirements of the VU Curriculum Blueprint; and with all requirements of the unit(s) of competency from National Training Package qualifications or other externally accredited VET courses;
2. complies with relevant regulatory frameworks, including the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015, the Australian Qualifications Framework and the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (2015); and
3. is congruent with all related university policies and procedures. - Awards Regulations - Academic Transcripts ProcedureThis Procedure has minor updates to reflect organisational structure and processes, and clarification of Scope and costs associated with transcripts.
- Awards Regulations - Australian Higher Education Graduation Statements ProcedureChanges to the Procedure provide easier access to replacement Australian Higher Education Graduation Statements (AHEGS) for name changes, due to damage, or because the Statement has been destroyed, stolen or lost.
- Awards Regulations - Award Issue Procedure (VET)The Procedure has had minor updates to reflect current practice, and the responsible and accountable officers are changing from VU Polytechnic to the Students’ portfolio.
- Awards Regulations - Awards and Testamurs ProcedureThe Procedure has minor updates to reflect changes in organisational structure and processes.
- Awards Regulations - Certificate of Participation Procedure (VET)The Procedure has been amended significantly to bring it in line with the Non-Award Course policy changes for HE and VET. The scope has been narrowed to apply to only VET non-award courses as HE non-award documentation is now only issued through academic transcripts produced from VU Connect (and no longer covered by this Procedure).
- Awards Regulations - Conferral of Aegrotat and Posthumous Awards ProcedureThis Procedure covers the eligibility for, and granting of Victoria University Aegrotat and Posthumous Awards for higher education, Vocational Education and Training and research students.
- Awards Regulations - Graduation Administration ProcedureThis Procedure has been updated to merge the following Procedures:
Awards Regulations Graduation Administration Procedure
Awards Regulations Student Speaker Procedure
Awards Regulations Academic Dress Procedure
The Procedure has also been updated to reflect current organisational structure and position titles. - Awards Regulations - Statement of Attainment Procedure (VET)The Procedure has had minor updates to roles and responsibilities in response to changes to organisational structure; grammatical updates; timing for issuing of SOA; and updates to links.
- Awards Regulations - Victoria University Extra Transcript ProcedureThe Procedure has minor updates to reflect changes in organisational structure.
- Awards Regulations 2018This Regulation provides the basis for the University to issue Awards, including aerogrotat and posthumous awards, and provides specifications as to the appropriate academic dress to be worn at graduation ceremonies.