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- Third Party Arrangements - Online Partnerships ProcedureThe purpose of this Procedure is to provide detailed direction regarding the delivery of Victoria University Higher Education award and non-award courses online in partnership with any providers.
- Third Party Arrangements - Review of Third Party Arrangements ProcedureThis Procedure provides detailed direction regarding the three kinds of reviews performed on Victoria University Higher Education (HE) courses delivered in partnership with other providers in Australia and offshore locations, which include:
a. Annual Quality reviews
b. Triennial Quality reviews
c. Strategic reviews - Third Party Arrangements - Third Party Arrangements Procedure (VET)This Procedure outlines the responsibility for, and processes involved in, engaging third parties to deliver vocational education and training qualifications on behalf of Victoria University Polytechnic.
- Third Party Arrangements PolicyThe Policy has been reviewed and amended to ensure continued currency with the regulatory environment, to reflect the Strategic Plan, and to ensure alignment between the Policy and Procedural settings. The amendments are aligned with the responsibilities of the Joint Operations Team and Joint Management Committee for each partnership to avoid duplication of effort.
- Third Party Arrangements ProcedureThe purpose of this Procedure is to provide detailed direction regarding the delivery of Victoria University Higher Education (HE) courses in partnership with other providers in Australia and offshore locations.
- Timetabling PolicyThe Policy and Procedure have been updated to ensure student centric scheduling and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of VU's learning and teaching processes. The Timetabling Procedure and the Timetabling - Inappropriate Use of Teaching Spaces Procedure have been combined, to streamline and enhance the governance over timetabling. The updated Procedure introduces a new section aimed at reducing enrolment bottlenecks and helping students secure spots in their required classes.
- Timetabling ProcedureThe Policy and Procedure have been updated to ensure student centric scheduling and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of VU's learning and teaching processes. The Timetabling Procedure and the Timetabling - Inappropriate Use of Teaching Spaces Procedure have been combined, to streamline and enhance the governance over timetabling. The updated Procedure introduces a new section aimed at reducing enrolment bottlenecks and helping students secure spots in their required classes.
- Titles and Honorary Degrees Regulations 2013The objective of the Regulations is to make further provision for the conferral of titles and honorary degrees, in accordance with the Governance, Academic and Student Affairs Statute 2013.
- Travel PolicyThe Travel Policy has amendments to reflect VU's Carbon Net Zero activity.
- Travel ProcedureThe Travel Procedure has minor updates to acronyms, organisational structure, as well as the addition of supporting information regarding CTM contact details and fees.