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- Records Management - Access to Records ProcedureThis Procedure provides direction and guidance on providing access to University records.
- Records Management - Disposal of Records ProcedureThis Procedure describes and regulates the processes by which the University disposes of its records. Disposal includes actions such as destruction, or transfer to the state or University archives.
- Records Management - Physical Records Storage ProcedureThis Procedure provides direction and guidance about the storage of physical records of the University.
- Records Management PolicyThis Policy provides the principled basis upon which Victoria University manages its records.
- Recruitment and Selection PolicyThe Policy and Procedure have been updated to provide clarity around VU’s recruitment procedures, including targeted search and the selection process, as well as clarity on declaring and managing conflicts of interest in recruitment.
- Recruitment and Selection ProcedureThe Policy and Procedure have been updated to provide clarity around VU’s recruitment procedures, including targeted search and the selection process, as well as clarity on declaring and managing conflicts of interest in recruitment.
- Religious and Spiritual Observance PolicyThis revised Policy and Procedure have been updated to reflect provisions in the Victoria University Enterprise Agreement 2019, the inclusion of VU’s commitment to provide, whenever possible, Chaplains with a suitable and confidential space for individual consultation with students; as well as clarification of the role of a Chaplain at VU.
- Religious and Spiritual Observance ProcedureThis revised Policy and Procedure have been updated to reflect provisions in the Victoria University Enterprise Agreement 2019, the inclusion of VU’s commitment to provide, whenever possible, Chaplains with a suitable and confidential space for individual consultation with students; as well as clarification of the role of a Chaplain at VU.
- Relocation and Immigration Assistance for New Staff PolicyThe Policy and Procedure have minor amendments to reflect current organisational terminology and processes; as well as government updates to immigration requirements for visas.
- Relocation and Immigration Assistance for New Staff ProcedureThe Policy and Procedure have minor amendments to reflect current organisational terminology and processes; as well as government updates to immigration requirements for visas.
- Remission of Debt and Post Census Amendment of Enrolment ProcedureThe Procedure has minor updates to reflect changes in naming of organisational units and external departments, clarification of Student Advocacy's role in the process, as well as clarification of students eligibility in situations of low completion rates.
- Remission of Debt and Post-Census Amendment of Enrolment PolicyThe Procedure has minor updates to reflect changes in naming of organisational units and external departments, clarification of Student Advocacy's role in the process, as well as clarification of students eligibility in situations of low completion rates.
- Remuneration - Counter Offer and Salary Loadings ProcedureThis version of this procedure has been updated following a review of the Remuneration Policy suite. It consolidates the Salary Loadings Procedure and Counter Offer Procedure.
- Remuneration - Senior and Executive Position Classification and Remuneration ProcedureThis version of the Procedure has been updated following a review and consolidates the Senior Leadership Position Classification Procedure and the Annual Remuneration Review Procedure into one document.
- Remuneration PolicyThis Policy, and associated Procedure Suite, have been reviewed and consolidated to ensure a simplified and coherent document for staff.
- Research Integrity - Authorship ProcedureThe Procedure has been updated to acknowledge/address the use of digital tools, and provide a statement that Generative AI cannot be ascribed authorship.
- Research Integrity - Guide to the Management of Potential Breaches of the Australian Code Proceduretba
- Research Integrity - Research Data Management ProcedureThis Procedure describes the University’s processes in relation to the management of Research Data at the University.
- Research Integrity PolicyThis Policy embraces the principles of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018) (the Australian Code), the Guide to Managing and Investigating Potential Breaches of the Code, 2018 (the Assessment and Investigation Guide) and the other associated good practice guides to establish and maintain good governance and management practices relating to the conduct of research activities within the University.
- Risk Management PolicyThis Policy establishes Victoria University’s (VU) commitment to managing risk through implementation of a risk management framework and accountability structure.
- Risk Management ProcedureThis Procedure outlines how Victoria University (VU) will implement its risk management framework.