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  • Elections Regulations 2016The Elections Regulations 2016 have been reviewed to ensure alignment with amendments to the Academic Board Regulations 2021 that give effect to membership for Academic Board.
  • Employee Wellbeing - Domestic or Family Violence Leave ProcedureThis update is a consequence of new paid family and domestic violence leave entitlements for all staff effective 1 February 2023.
  • Employee Wellbeing - Flexible Work Arrangements ProcedureThis Procedure describes the circumstances in which an employee may apply for a flexible work arrangement, and the kinds of arrangements the University may provide.
    It replaces the previous Flexible Working Arrangements Policy and all its Procedures.
  • Employee Wellbeing - Pregnancy, Breast and Bottle Feeding and Children on Campus ProcedureThis Procedure outlines Victoria University's support for parents and carers during pregnancy, infant feeding, and with the care of children on campus.
    It replaces five documents: Breast and Bottle Feeding and Expressing on Campus Policy; Children on Campus Policy; Children on Campus Procedure; Pregnancy in Work and Study Policy; Pregnancy in Work and Study Procedure.
  • Employee Wellbeing - Working from Home ProcedureThe Employee Wellbeing – Interim Hybrid Working Arrangements Procedure has been revised to include the working arrangements as announced by the Vice Chancellor in March 2022. The procedure steps out the process to support eligible staff apply to work 40% remotely.
  • Employee Wellbeing PolicyThis Policy affirms Victoria University's commitment to the wellbeing of all its employees, and the positive measures that the University will take to support employees in all aspects of their lives. The Employee Wellbeing Policy Suite has been developed as part of People and Culture's ongoing policy redevelopment program. It represents a consolidation of 13 existing policy / procedure items, as well as introducing new content around the University's commitment to positive wellbeing initiatives for employees.
  • Enrolments - Attendance (International Foundations) ProcedureThis Procedure has been revised to clarify roles and responsibilities, and processes undertaken when a student is absent for a consecutive period or their attendance falls below threshold requirements.
  • Enrolments - ELICOS Monitoring Attendance ProcedureThis Procedure monitors attendance for international students studying an ELICOS program.
  • Enrolments - Maximum Course Duration (HE) ProcedureThis Procedure outlines the maximum periods of study duration for Higher Education (HE) courses.
  • Enrolments - VET Unique Student Identifier (USI) Management ProcedureThis Procedure provides guidance to Student Services Staff on the collection, storage and reporting of Unique Student Identifier (USI) data.
  • Enrolments Policy This Policy is designed to ensure Victoria University's (VU) practices in relation to enrolment are fair and consistent, comply with all relevant Government requirements and support the delivery of an excellent student experience at VU.
  • Enrolments ProcedureClauses 37 and 38 have been amended in response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report, which noted an immediate action to cease the 50%+ pass rule.
  • Exclusion for Safety Reasons ProcedureThis Procedure supports and operationalises the Exclusion for Safety Reasons Regulations 2019.
  • Exclusion for Safety Reasons Regulations 2019The Regulations have been updated to reflect current organisational structure.